Classement UFC Fans
2001 23Brendan O'Reilly BadgerBrendan O'Reilly 1-3-0 REC1-3-0 UFC793 PTS
2002 34Ion Taburceanu FantomaIon Taburceanu 0-1-0, 1NC REC791 PTS
2003 31Spike Carlyle The Alpha GingerSpike Carlyle 1-3-0 REC1-2-0 UFC790 PTS
2004 31Isaac Vallie-Flagg Isaac Vallie-Flagg 1-3-0 REC1-3-0 UFC790 PTS
2005 34Danny Martinez The GremlinDanny Martinez 1-3-0 REC1-3-0 UFC789 PTS
2006 25Jason Gonzalez NicoyasJason Gonzalez 1-3-0 REC1-3-0 UFC789 PTS
2007 37Kenshin Saito Kenshin Saito 0-1-0 REC788 PTS
2008Chiara Penco Beasty BarbieChiara Penco 2-2-0 REC788 PTS
2009 35Renee Forte Renee Forte 1-3-0 REC1-3-0 UFC788 PTS
2010 28Won Bin Ki The DangerWon Bin Ki 2-2-0 REC787 PTS
2011 34Yosdenis Cedeno Pink PantherYosdenis Cedeno 1-3-0 REC1-3-0 UFC787 PTS
2012 29Frankie Perez Frankie Perez 1-3-0 REC1-3-0 UFC787 PTS
2013 29Makoto Shinryu Makoto Shinryu 0-1-0, 1NC REC786 PTS
2014 23Westin Wilson Westin Wilson 1-2-0 REC1-2-0 UFC784 PTS
2015 18Oliver Enkamp The FutureOliver Enkamp 1-3-0 REC0-2-0 UFC784 PTS
2016 29Mike Santiago Little BullyMike Santiago 1-3-0 REC0-3-0 UFC784 PTS
2017 23Hayato Sakurai MatchHayato Sakurai 0-1-0 REC0-1-0 UFC784 PTS
2018 30Adam Piccolotti The BombAdam Piccolotti 2-2-0 REC783 PTS
2019 11Roman Salazar El GallitoRoman Salazar 0-2-0, 1NC REC0-2-0, 1NC UFC783 PTS
2020 21Wuliji Buren The BeastmasterWuliji Buren 0-4-0 REC0-3-0 UFC783 PTS
2021 35Chris de la Rocha Chris de la Rocha 1-3-0 REC1-3-0 UFC782 PTS
2022Enkhtur Bayartsogt Enkhtur Bayartsogt 0-1-0 REC782 PTS
2023 34Charles Joyner Charles Joyner 2-0-1 REC781 PTS
2024 3Xavier Foupa-Pokam Professor XXavier Foupa-Pokam 0-2-0 REC0-2-0 UFC781 PTS
2025 35Anthony Romero The GeniusAnthony Romero 2-2-0 REC781 PTS
2026 41Jorge Patino MacacoJorge Patino 0-1-0 REC0-1-0 UFC780 PTS
2027 29Rolando Dy The IncredibleRolando Dy 1-3-0 REC1-3-0 UFC779 PTS
2028 35Ezzoubair Bouarsa Ezzoubair Bouarsa 0-1-0 REC779 PTS
2029 33Tainara Lisboa Thai PanterTainara Lisboa 2-0-0 REC2-0-0 UFC779 PTS
2030 4Kota Miura Kota Miura 0-1-0 REC778 PTS
2031 28Shannon Ross The Turkish DelightShannon Ross 0-4-0 REC0-3-0 UFC777 PTS
2032 21Gregory Babene BladeGregory Babene 2-1-0 REC776 PTS
2033 33Reuben Duran HurricaneReuben Duran 1-3-0 REC1-3-0 UFC774 PTS
2034 28Cortavious Romious Are You Not Entertained?Cortavious Romious 1-2-0 REC0-1-0 UFC774 PTS
2035 33John Lober The MachineJohn Lober 0-1-0 REC0-1-0 UFC774 PTS
2036 35Ryoji Kudo Ryoji Kudo 1-4-0 REC773 PTS
2037 32Miranda Granger DangerMiranda Granger 1-3-0 REC1-3-0 UFC773 PTS
2038 15Semmy Schilt HightowerSemmy Schilt 1-1-0 REC1-1-0 UFC772 PTS
2039 32Lisa Mauldin Lisa Mauldin 2-2-0 REC770 PTS
2040 31Ty Flores Big MedicineTy Flores 2-2-0 REC770 PTS
2041 28Dan Moret The HitmanDan Moret 0-4-0 REC0-3-0 UFC769 PTS
2042 24Darian Weeks Darian Weeks 0-3-0 REC0-3-0 UFC767 PTS
2043 33Andreas Gustafsson BaneAndreas Gustafsson 1-0-0 REC767 PTS
2044 30Marcio Alexandre Jr LyotoMarcio Alexandre Jr 1-3-0 REC0-3-0 UFC766 PTS
2045 33Andre Pederneiras DedeAndre Pederneiras 0-1-0 REC0-1-0 UFC766 PTS
2046 10Juliana Miller KillerJuliana Miller 1-2-0 REC1-2-0 UFC765 PTS
2047 4Anthony Salamone Ours BlancAnthony Salamone 1-2-0 REC765 PTS
2048 50Romain Tango Ngouodjou Romain Tango Ngouodjou 0-1-0 REC765 PTS
2049 32Solomon Renfro The Black DragonSolomon Renfro 1-4-0 REC764 PTS
2050 34Steven Hill The Hillbilly HammerSteven Hill 2-2-0 REC763 PTS