Poids Mi-Moyens Hommes
Jack Della Maddalena Jack Della Maddalena 8-0-0 REC7-0-0 UFC#81Australie
Jack Grant Jack Grant 1-2-0 REC#2199Angleterre
Jack Shields Jack Shields 4-3-0, 1NC REC4-3-0, 1NC UFC#860Etats-Unis
Jackson Clarke Jackson Clarke #5283Angleterre
Jacob Volkmann ChristmasJacob Volkmann 6-4-0 REC6-4-0 UFC#733Etats-Unis
Jacobe Smith Jacobe Smith 2-0-0 REC1-0-0 UFC#392Etats-Unis
Jake Ellenberger The JuggernautJake Ellenberger 10-11-0 REC10-11-0 UFC#362Etats-Unis
Jake Hecht HitmanJake Hecht 1-2-0 REC1-2-0 UFC#2413Etats-Unis
Jake Matthews The Celtic KidJake Matthews 13-7-0 REC13-7-0 UFC#224Australie
Jaleel Willis The RealestJaleel Willis 1-3-0 REC#1266Etats-Unis
James Dixon The LionheartJames Dixon 0-1-0 REC#2243Angleterre
James Giboo James Giboo 0-1-0 REC0-1-0 UFC#4052Etats-Unis
James Head James Head 2-3-0 REC2-3-0 UFC#1615Etats-Unis
James Krause The James KrauseJames Krause 9-4-0 REC9-4-0 UFC#396Etats-Unis
James Martin The White WolfJames Martin 1-0-0 REC#3953Etats-Unis
James Sheehan Jimbo SliceJames Sheehan #5026Irlande
James Vick The TexecutionerJames Vick 9-5-0 REC9-5-0 UFC#390Etats-Unis
James Wallace JesseJames Wallace 0-1-0 REC#4943Etats-Unis
James Wilks LightningJames Wilks 2-2-0 REC2-2-0 UFC#1715Angleterre
Jamie Richardson Young GunJamie Richardson 0-1-0 REC#5250Angleterre