Poids Légers Hommes
Alex Aston Alex Aston 0-1-0 REC#3425Pays de Galles
Alex da Silva LekoAlex da Silva 1-3-0 REC1-3-0 UFC#1862Brésil
Alex Gorgees HitmanAlex Gorgees 0-1-0 REC0-1-0 UFC#3688Australie
Alex Martinez Alex Martinez 2-3-0 REC#1838Paraguay
Alex Munoz Alex Munoz 2-2-0 REC1-2-0 UFC#1788Etats-Unis
Alex Oliveira CowboyAlex Oliveira 11-10-0, 1NC REC11-10-0, 1NC UFC#296Brésil
Alex Reyes The ExecutionerAlex Reyes 0-3-0 REC0-3-0 UFC#1972Etats-Unis
Alexander Hernandez The GreatAlexander Hernandez 7-7-0 REC7-7-0 UFC#524Etats-Unis
Alexander Matmuratov Alexander Matmuratov 0-1-0 REC#4397Russie
Alexander Nilov Alexander Nilov #5196Russie
Alexander Shabliy PeresvetAlexander Shabliy 3-1-0 REC#1567Russie
Alexander Yakovlev The Thunder of the NorthAlexander Yakovlev 3-6-0 REC3-6-0 UFC#1094Russie
Alexandre Duarte StormAlexandre Duarte 0-1-0 REC#4361Brésil
Alexey Polpudnikov GladiatorAlexey Polpudnikov 0-1-0 REC#4319Russie
Alfie Davis The Axe ManAlfie Davis 3-1-1 REC#1216Angleterre
Ali Abdulkhalikov Ali Abdulkhalikov 0-1-0 REC#2084Russie
Ali Suleymanov Ali Suleymanov 1-0-0 REC#4020Russie
Alimkhan Dzhamulaev Alimkhan Dzhamulaev #5081Russie
Alix Fisher Alix Fisher 1-0-0 REC#3353Etats-Unis
Allan Zuniga TigreAllan Zuniga 0-1-0 REC0-1-0 UFC#4320Costa-Rica