1Aaron Jeffery Aaron Jeffery 4-4-0 REC#1141Canada
2Achilles Estremadura Achilles Estremadura 0-1-0 REC#3762Canada
3Aiemann Zahabi Aiemann Zahabi 6-2-0 REC6-2-0 UFC#560Canada
4Albert Cheng Albert Cheng 0-1-0 REC0-1-0 UFC#3997Canada
5Alessandro Ricci AlexAlessandro Ricci 0-2-0 REC0-2-0 UFC#2777Canada
6Alex Morgan The Chess MasterAlex Morgan 0-1-0 REC#4047Canada
7Alexis Davis Ally GatorAlexis Davis 8-6-0 REC8-6-0 UFC#454Canada
8Angela Lee UnstoppableAngela Lee #4984Canada
9Anthony Romero The GeniusAnthony Romero 2-2-0 REC#2025Canada
10Antonio Carvalho PatoAntonio Carvalho 2-2-0 REC2-2-0 UFC#1710Canada
11Arjan Bhullar SinghArjan Bhullar 3-1-0 REC3-1-0 UFC#1450Canada
12Bill Mahood The ButcherBill Mahood 0-1-0 REC0-1-0 UFC#3465Canada
13Brad Katona SupermanBrad Katona 4-4-0 REC4-4-0 UFC#946Canada
14Carlos Newton The RoninCarlos Newton 3-4-0 REC3-4-0 UFC#582Canada
15Chad Anheliger The MonsterChad Anheliger 3-3-0 REC2-3-0 UFC#1293Canada
16Chad Laprise The DiscipleChad Laprise 6-4-0 REC6-4-0 UFC#721Canada
17Charles Jourdain AirCharles Jourdain 7-7-1 REC7-7-1 UFC#456Canada
18Chris Clements The MenaceChris Clements 2-2-0, 1NC REC2-2-0, 1NC UFC#1681Canada
19Chris Kelades The Greek AssassinChris Kelades 2-2-0 REC2-2-0 UFC#1778Canada
20Christien Savoie TigerChristien Savoie 0-1-0 REC#3963Canada
21Claude Patrick The PrinceClaude Patrick 3-1-0 REC3-1-0 UFC#1421Canada
22Cole Smith The Cole TrainCole Smith 1-2-0 REC1-2-0 UFC#2355Canada
23Corinne Laframboise Corinne Laframboise 0-1-0 REC#3518Canada
24Dave Beneteau DangerousDave Beneteau 3-3-0 REC3-3-0 UFC#1335Canada
25David Loiseau The CrowDavid Loiseau 4-5-0 REC4-5-0 UFC#969Canada