Classement Hommes Poids Mouches Défaite par finition
1Matt Schnell DangerMatt Schnell 6-7-0, 1NC REC6-7-0, 1NC UFC#5967
2Ode Osbourne The Jamaican SensationOde Osbourne 5-6-0 REC4-6-0 UFC#7615
3Tim Elliott Tim Elliott 9-11-0 REC9-11-0 UFC#2015
4Alex Perez Alex Perez 8-5-0 REC7-5-0 UFC#1484
5Cody Durden Cody Durden 6-5-1 REC6-5-1 UFC#5024
6Su Mudaerji The Tibetan EagleSu Mudaerji 3-4-0 REC3-4-0 UFC#11233
7Brandon Royval Raw DawgBrandon Royval 7-3-0 REC7-3-0 UFC#742
8C.J. Vergara C.J. Vergara 4-4-0 REC3-4-0 UFC#9502
9Carlos Hernandez Carlos Hernandez 4-3-0 REC3-3-0 UFC#6692
10Jimmy Flick The BrickJimmy Flick 3-3-0 REC2-3-0 UFC#13212
11Kai Kara-France Don't BlinkKai Kara-France 8-4-0 REC8-4-0 UFC#902
12Alessandro Costa NonoAlessandro Costa 3-2-0 REC2-2-0 UFC#13551
13Bruno Silva BulldogBruno Silva 4-3-0, 1NC REC4-3-0, 1NC UFC#5951
14Carls John De Tomas Golden BoyCarls John De Tomas 0-2-0 REC0-2-0 UFC#28831
15Daniel Barez Daniel Barez 1-2-0 REC1-1-0 UFC#17941
16Felipe Bunes FelipinhoFelipe Bunes 1-1-0 REC1-1-0 UFC#4051
17Francisco Figueiredo SniperFrancisco Figueiredo 2-2-0 REC2-2-0 UFC#16501
18Jafel Filho PastorJafel Filho 3-1-0 REC2-1-0 UFC#13991
19Jesus Aguilar Jesus Aguilar 4-1-0 REC3-1-0 UFC#10641
20Joshua Van The FearlessJoshua Van 5-1-0 REC5-1-0 UFC#4141