Classement P4P UFC Fans Irlande du Nord
1Norman Parke StorminNorman Parke 5-3-1 REC5-3-1 UFC#9042682
2Rhys McKee SkeletorRhys McKee 0-4-0 REC0-4-0 UFC#17521028
3Leah McCourt The CurseLeah McCourt 2-2-0 REC#2162762
4Steven Lynch Steven Lynch 0-1-0 REC0-1-0 UFC#4083258
5Matthew Elliott The BoogeymanMatthew Elliott 1-0-0 REC#4263247
6Jordan O'Neill JumboJordan O'Neill 1-0-0 REC#4577229
7Jordan Elliott Jordan Elliott 0-1-0 REC#4904210
8Aaron McDonald MacavelliAaron McDonald 0-1-0 REC#53330